Bumblebee Guppies


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2008
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Last week I got some Bumblebee Guppies from my local Maidenhead Aquatics. Id not heard of them before and I cant find any info or pictures of them on the web. Does anyone else have any or know anything about them?
Do u have a pic?

Just treat like normal guppies, and keep up with weekly water changes and you have them breeding before you realize. Occasionally give then some frozen or live foods.

Also what are you keeping them with.
Some pics would be good, i pretty much doubt thats thier proper name, probably something your lfs has just called them cos they look related in color in some sort of way
Never heard of them-cant even find a picture of them in my books-probably the shop using a bit of descriptive license as Mr 5teady says.
Never heard of them-cant even find a picture of them in my books-probably the shop using a bit of descriptive license as Mr 5teady says.

you sure they arnt bumblebee gobbies mispelt wrong, which are FW fish but thrive better in Brackish. (I know one species dosent accept FW but the other does)
Well they look just like guppies but in minature as they are only a tincy bit bigger than my endlers. They are a gorgeous lavender colour with a bright yellow tail and fins. When Ive worked out how to upload photos onto here I will post some lol!
Well they look just like guppies but in minature as they are only a tincy bit bigger than my endlers. They are a gorgeous lavender colour with a bright yellow tail and fins. When Ive worked out how to upload photos onto here I will post some lol!

Not Gobbies then my mistake, maybe its a hybrid?
Click on "addreply"
Then under the text box is "attachments"
Select the file and as long as it's not to buig upload.

Then you need to goto "Manage Current attachments" and select the file to add to the page.

Yes very long winded but this is how it works here.

Once we can see it we'll try to ID it to what type it is

Well they look just like guppies but in minature as they are only a tincy bit bigger than my endlers. They are a gorgeous lavender colour with a bright yellow tail and fins. When Ive worked out how to upload photos onto here I will post some lol!

Not Gobbies then my mistake, maybe its a hybrid?

Goby/guppy cross? ;)

i know u mean endler/guppy.
we'll wait till can see a piv
Ok hopefully here should be some pics!

not being picky but i cant see athing their far to small (pic not fish)
pix are too small, you can uplaod pix up to around 600x480 pixels

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