Bumblebee Gobys?


Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2005
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Hi guys, I bought 2 of these little guys today and I'm in a dilema as to what tank to put them in. I currently have a 2.5 ft tank set up as slightly brackish with 3 red clawed crabs and 3 mollies in. I have put the Gobis in there for now. However I have a 1ft 10gal if this is not suitable. Do you think they would be ok in the bigger tank as I would much prefer to keep them in? Thx in advance.
dont really know much on them but my brother got them a while back. he had 6 in a 15 gallon and they did fine. you should probably ask someone who knows more though :good:
some people say they are brackish, others say freshwater. its a matter of opinion. i think they are freshwater some species of bumblebee goby, but can live in brackish, a bit like mollies, they can survive both. the crabs may be a problem for the gobies, i dont know much about crabs, but if they can get the gobies in the claws, the crabs could do some damage. i would personally put them in the freshwater, for the main reason the 10gallon has less danger without the crabs, what fish are in the 10g? its kinda up to you, i would see how they get on in the brackish, and go from there. just remember to change them over to freshwater, do it slowely so the salt in the water doesnt disspear quickley.
Thx for ur replies. The brackish is vry slight at the moment, probably about 1001sg/1002sg. I wasnt really gonna up it much more than that as the mollies will do fine in that and so would the crabs. This is because people argue they liv in both environments whty I was gonna do is only put salt back in every few water changes so it will go up an down between 10001-1004 I suppose at the very most. I was thinking this may emulate the very high point of an estuary.

btw, the waterflow in the bigger tank is vry strong, is this going to effect the gobies. The 10gal would be dedicated to gobies, how many could I put in there?
Anyone know how many of these I could keep in my 10gal? I am going back the shop tonight to get some and dont wanna go overboard.

Move your question to the brackish forum - Neale Monks will pick it up and give you the best possible answer. I have 8 BBg in a brackish set-up with 2 Fig. 8 puffers (180 ltr). They came out of a fresh water set-up, few days of being in the brackish tank and their colours started to get brighter. They are very funny, although they each have their own little area they always come together for feeding (by the way i have found they are easy to feed - i know some people have had problems). I could have many more but am waiting to get a pair of orange chromides instead - good luck :good:
Anyone know how many of these I could keep in my 10gal? I am going back the shop tonight to get some and dont wanna go overboard.

10-12 would be fine in a 10 gallon. You dont need to have "caves" for each fish, just a place for each to mark out as territory. Clay pots, drift wood, rocks etc. all work fine. You may or may not have trouble feeding them. Some have to be weened off live food such as brine shrimp or black worms. Most will take frozen right away. Don't try flake, it's a waste of time.

Brackish water is preferred (sg 1.005) as they seem to do better then in fresh, even though most species are found in freshwater in the wild. Make sure the you have hard/alkaline water. Otherwise they are easy to keep.

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