BumbleBee Goby


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I saw the smallest bumblebee goby the other day :wub: . It had to be smaller than an inch. I have wanted to get one for the longest time, but I'm heard they can be sort of mean. I was also wondering if anyone ever had any luck getting them to eat anything besides live food. THANKS!! :hyper:
I'd absolute love some bumblebee gobies for my brackish tank, but I've been disuaded by the LFS (Mr Fish in Bedford, UK) because they are extremely shy (to the point of agrophobic) and my mollies would eat all the food. They are also very expensive and very difficult to get hold of.

Maybe one day...
I have 4 BBG's only cost 4.99 each, and I don't find them shy at all, they don't move around a lot, but they come out and sit at the front of the tank and watch the world go by. All mine eat are frozen bloodworms and shrimp.
I have read they will have little territory scraps amongst themselves, but mine never bother other fish unless the other fish tryes to nip them, then they spin around and chase the others away and go back to their watching spot.

Here is one of my little fellas
Thanks Pufferpack. Maybe I'll look into gobies again, if I can find a supplier. My tank is currently way under-stocked, but of course, it is under-stocked with mollies of both sex so I might have a different situation soon!
I've been looking into getting bumblebee gobys too! Theyre SO cute. My question is, can just a few (2-4) be kept in a small 1 or 2 gallon aquarium? I don't want to put them in with my other fish because I've read that they can be mean... But I'd LOVE to have a few. I know where I can get them, I believe for around $2 each. But as for food, frozen bloodworms would be sufficient? Also, can they be kept in a community tank with certain tankmates? Info would be greatly appreciated on these cute little fish! :fun:
Well, that would be great if they would eat frozen, since that's the only thing my dwarf puffer will eat. I need a fish that's not aggressive, but can hold it's own (my darn mollies can be so bossy lol).

Do gobies have to be in groups, or can one be alright?

Do you think they would try to eat ghost shrimp? My puffer doesn't try to eat them, but they are pretty good at hiding. lol

Do gobies need brackish or freshwater?
It means they need some salt in their water...not as much as saltwater, but more than freshwater.

Are all gobies brackish?

Can platys have salt in thier water?

Is epsom salt the same as aquarium salt (when I was keeping live brine shrimp, someone said it's the same thing, you just pay more for the name lol).
They definitely only tolerate brackish.
I thought the same thing (there seems to be some debate about it on almost every forum I've visited) but I was reading an article a couple months back that was talking about 2 seperate strains of BBG's. The ones that were wild caught or only a couple of generations from wild that could not survive FW for any length of time, and the Aquarium bred strain that was so far removed from the wild strain and conditioned to FW for generations that they actually did better in fresh than in brackish. The 4 I have were kept in FW in the lfs, and that's what I put them into when I first got them (impulse buy) :*) , once I did some research on them I intended to move to a BW set up but I never had the tank space to spare (too many impulse buys) so they have been living with my Dwarf puffers (the only tankmates the Dwarfs don't harrass) eever since, so far 1 year and they are healthy and active (for BBG's)....so IMO the jury is still out on on this one :huh:

Are all gobies brackish?

Can platys have salt in thier water?

Is epsom salt the same as aquarium salt (when I was keeping live brine shrimp, someone said it's the same thing, you just pay more for the name lol).

Nope, there are some beautiful FW species like the Peacock or Northern Spotted...although most FW species are commonly called Gudgeons. :D

Yep, I believe most livebearers prefer a little salt.

I don't think they ae the same :unsure: . I believe what you should be looking for to create a BW setup is Sea salt, sold in most lfs (local fish shops)

Do gobies have to be in groups, or can one be alright?

Do you think they would try to eat ghost shrimp? My puffer doesn't try to eat them, but they are pretty good at hiding. lol
I believe they are fine alone, most of the fighting Gobies do is for territory between the males.

Mine don't bother with the Ghost shrimp, but they love frozen brineshrimp.

My question is, can just a few (2-4) be kept in a small 1 or 2 gallon aquarium? I don't want to put them in with my other fish because I've read that they can be mean

I would advise aganist trying a 1-2 gal tank, only because they are supposed to be sensative to water conditions and the small tank can go sour so quickly that you might lose them suddenly.
I don't find them to be mean at all, they just look mean (like a little Bulldog). I f the other fish leave them alone they mind their own business...they remind me of a grouchy old man, always scowling, keep to themselves, and will chase you if you bug them enough, but not far and only to make you go away.
I was also doing some research, and I saw them with two different latin names, so that may have something to do with it.

I guess whatever water the lfs has them in, I'll put them in.

I'm really excited!! :hyper: A year ago I wanted to get BBG, but the person at the lfs really discouraged me from getting them. Hopefully they still have some, but I think they're pretty common.
You can buy a Hydrometer at most lfs, it is a simple device for measuring specific gravity (salt concentration). I don't think aquarium salt and sea salt are the same. I think aquarium salt is a FW tonic while sea salt is recomended for BW conditions.

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