Bumblebee Gobies


New Member
Jun 10, 2003
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Hey all, i just picked up a few Bumblebee Gobies, they are so cool. :p

I have them in a ten gallon with two small blue rams (lfs told me it was ok). My little tank has quite a bit of current at the moment, just wondering if anyone knew if this would be a problem for the BBG's? Also if you're around pufferpack...i know you have some BBG's, what are your tank conditions? ie: pH, hardness, temp and current?

Just wondering as they seem a little too active for BBG's and thought the water flow might bother them.

Thanks for any help. :fun:
My little BBG's are actually in water that does not suit them :sad: ...I have them in FW and to truely thrive they need to be in BW I'm planning to move them soon (I hope) They are doing well now in FW with a Ph of 7.6 and temp of 78F, but from what I've read they gan get ill and die without warning if they are kept in FW too long.
From Aquaria Central Species Profile:
Max Size: 1.7"
pH: Alkaline
Temperature: 76-84° F.
Diet: Carnivorous

Bumblebee Gobies are among the smallest freshwater fish, reaching a length of just over 1 12 inches. Their bodies are made up of thick alternating black and orange bands, hence their names of Bumblebee Goby.

These fish live in brackish waters, and need the addition of 1 to 2 spoonfuls of sea salt to every 2 gallons of water. Floating plants should be provided to reduce light levels. Bumblebee Gobies are bottom dwellers. They use their pelvic fins to attach themsevles to plants and rocks.

Although small, these fish are territorial and may attack other small fishes. They feed almost exclusively on small live foods. Brine shrimp are recommended.
one thing bothered me about that was how big is the spoon? table spoon tea spoon i uspect they mean tea spoon.

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