Bumblebee Gobies


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 12, 2003
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Warm and Sunny Arizona
i know bbgs eat live food (as all the sites ive visited have told me...), but what exactly do they like to eat? what do you bbg owners out there feed yours? they may share space with my new dwarf puffer..............
thanks pufferpack. i bought three last night, and they and my puffer are happily sharing the tank. they've claimed most of one side, but he's cool with that. i put a cube of frozen brine shrimp in, and the gobies went crazy, though the puffer was more interested in the live tubifex. :lol:
Are BBG's fresh water fish??im only 14 yers old but iv'e had tropicals in my house since i was 3,but iv'e never seen a BBG before.Would they be ok in a "2 foot tank". :dunno:
Glad to hear they are getting along Molly :D I find my little gobies ignore the puffers unless they get too close, them the BBG spins around and stares the puffer down with that big frown on their faces :lol: :lol:

rhyswebb There are 2 types of gobies, one FW and one BW. Check with the lfs to find out what type they are carrying. They do well in smaller tanks (they only grow about 1 inch long) but can be fin nippers if the other fish get too close.
Thanks pufferpack. :rolleyes: But would they get along with Key hole cichlids coz they gave my dwarf puffers a damn good hideing.They've quietend down now though. :dunno:
The BBG's may be in jepordy from the Keyholes (especially if they spawn), they are not the fastest swimmers and may end up as lunch. As your Dwarfs get older they may retaliate against the Keyholes....risky combo.

Im thinking of geting rid of my keyholes.There a pain in the neck!! :shifty:
They are Male+Female but they wont spawn.This afternoon My Dwarfs gave the one Keyhole a piece of his mind so they dont bother each other much now.My white cloud has seemed to take a likeing to one of the Dwarfs hes allways close by.
My puffers are only about 2cm long but quite chubby little fish. :rolleyes:

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