Bumblebee gobies and dwarf puffers


Mar 23, 2003
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I heard that bumblebee gobies and dwarf puffers need live food. What kind of live food (I know dwarf puffers need pond snails)? Would freeze-dried or frozen food be ok?
I feed my puffer live snails once a week and frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrimp and flake food every day.
AmberC said:
I feed my puffer live snails once a week and frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrimp and flake food every day.
So do you keep a separate tank stocked with snails then? I was hoping to just keep snails in the same tank as the gobies and puffers, and feed some other kind of food as a supplement.
No.. but thats just cause I dont have the room for that. I get them right down the road at the pet store. They are only 15 cents apeice. So I buy about 5 at once for just the one puffer and sometimes some hide under the driftwood and I hope they will lay eggs, but I haven't seen ANY babies. But I DO know that I have some leftover snails under there that my puff hasn't found.
Ok, thx. I think that's what I'll do, too.

Does anyone know about bumblebee gobies? (i.e. Do they need to eat live food?)
My bumble's do well with what I feed my puffs. I would, however, be weary of feeding dwarfs flake foods.

What type of tank are they going to be in? Remember that there are two different types of bumble's, BW & FW. Dwarfs are strictly FW and do not tollerate salt well.

HTH & Good Luck
freshwatergal said:
My bumble's do well with what I feed my puffs. I would, however, be weary of feeding dwarfs flake foods.
I put flakes in for my gouramis and bloodworms and brine in for all of them and the puff eats the flake while I'm trying to get the bloodworms thawed. I feed flake first cause I try to get the other fish to eat up on that so maybe they wont eat as many brine or worms so the puff gets some. My gouramis are mean to my puff. They take food right out of his mouth!! Hes really got to fight for his food. I dont want to over feed tho.
freshwatergal said:
My bumble's do well with what I feed my puffs. I would, however, be weary of feeding dwarfs flake foods.

What type of tank are they going to be in? Remember that there are two different types of bumble's, BW & FW. Dwarfs are strictly FW and do not tollerate salt well.

HTH & Good Luck
They'd be in a freshwater tank, 10 or 20 gallons. I don't think 10 gallons would be big enough for a pair of bumblebee gobies and a pair of dwarf puffers, would it?

I'm still not sure about the bumblebee gobies. . . they are really cute, but I've heard they're really aggressive and take a lot of looking after. :/
I don't know why BBG's have such a bad rep...I've had four since I've been fish keeping, and they just mind their own business. Maybe it's because they don't tolerate anyone bullying them (that's why they do so well with dwarf puffers).

I just have the snails in with puffers, and the puffers eat them whenever they can hunt them down. I wouldn't rely on the snails being the bulk of their diet, however. Personally, I feed mine two times a day, small amounts of either frozen bloodworms or live brine shrimp. I really don't think tropical flakes are meant for puffers...I'm shocked that any puffer would touch them. Some people have a heck of a time getting them off of live food.

I completely agree with opcn...ten gallons is perfect for that combo, as long as there are plenty of hiding places, and breaks in their line of site.
Ok, sounds good :) My next 10 gallon will house the dwarf puffers and BBG :thumbs: Thx for everyone's advice!
dixaisy930 said:
I really don't think tropical flakes are meant for puffers...I'm shocked that any puffer would touch them. Some people have a heck of a time getting them off of live food.
I'm pretty sure I know why my puff goes for the flakes. He REALLY has to fight for his food in my tank. Hes much slower than all my gouramis and they are VERY quick at scarfing down all the food. They have even eaten his snails before! So I think he feels like if he doesn't try to get some of whatever I put in the tank, then hes not going to get any KWIM? I was pretty suprised the first day it started going for the flakes too. I heard that sometimes they will, but I doubted mine ever would. But last week I stuck in the flakes and he went right for them! He does have a hard time getting them off the surface, but what he can get he eats. :D

EDIT: I also forgot that the other fish will take food right out of puffs MOUTH while hes trying to eat it down!!!!!
:p I wish my dwarf puffer wasn't such a food snob... :lol:

She's gone after flakes before (I'm sure she thinks "Well, if the molly can have some, so can I") and she ALWAYS spits them out. Same with my white-cheeked goby and bumblebee goby....spoiled little brats.... :p

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