Bumblebee gobie and dwarf puffer


Nov 25, 2004
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I decided to get a dwarf puffer to go in my 15g, along with 2 otos and 5 tiger barbs, and was initially concerned that the puffer might end up harassing the bumblebee (nb its a fw bumblebee before anyone asks.... :) ). Anyhow after introducing the puffer to the tank, the bumblebee goby immediately made a bee-line (sic.) for the puffer and proceeded to chase him out of his corner of the tank!! Now, every time he sees him near "his" corner the bumblebee just harasses the poor little puffer! The puffer surprisingly enough is showing no signs of aggression, and simply swims off fast as he can! After a couple of days to settle they now just seem to keep well out of each others way. Has anyone else kept the 2 together?

As an aside, the tigers show absolutely no interest in the puffer, and vice versa. The bumblebee on the other hand happily chases off the tiger barbs which are many times his own size!!
A Bumble bee goby will take on an Oscar :D They're the chihuahua of the fish world. They will battle to the death over territory.
Im really surprised the tiger barbs havent had at him.
quick update - the first d.p. settled down so well that i got another 2 at the weekend. Again a bit of chasing by the bumblebee at first but they now maintain a healthy distance from each other.

I was quite surprised at the tigers reaction to the bumblebee too - but they either dont even acknowledge he's there, or just shoot off to the other end of the tank when he charges at them!

Oh and I've ben waiting on some larger FW puffers for a while now - my lfs have just got an order of red-eye (lorteti) puffers on the way, and I've got a new planted 20g maturing as we speak.... Plan is for a species tank with just the red-eyes but might take a chance with a clown plec or similar as a tankmate, see how they get on. Can always rehome him if hes getting harassed...
Talleyrand said:
A Bumble bee goby will take on an Oscar :D They're the chihuahua of the fish world. They will battle to the death over territory.
Im really surprised the tiger barbs havent had at him.
Are we thinking of the same species here? We've kept BBGs off & on for a couple of years and I've never seen them show any sign of aggressive behaviour to tankmates.

We currently have six BBGs in with four Dwarf Puffers and two bristlenose plecs. No problems at all.
yeah, Brachygobius xanthazona, freshwater bumblebee gobies. I dont think that he could do any more than give the other fish a nasty suck even if he wanted to, but they dont seem to know that, and back off when he charges at them. He barely acknowledges the tigers and completely ignores the otos, but the dwarf puffers get it every time they get too close for his liking

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