Bumblebee Catfish


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2008
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right ive just got myself a bumblebee cat been looking on this site for more info and everyone say they only grow to 3 inch
ive just paid £10 and its about 8-9 inch. how big do these cats really grow cheers
bumbleebee catfish normally grow to about 6 inches. There are a couple of species and maybe you have a variety that gets bigger.
ive just measured the cat and he,s just under 8 inch :) im well happy with him
he keep chasing my hoplos when lights go out, but at mo i think its just wanting to be in a group :crazy:
there in a 6x2x2 so they should be ok with loads of hiding places.

these are the fish ive got at the moment

3x hoplo cats "keeping"
1x bumblee cat "keeping"
4x BN plecs "keeping"

4x dwarf gourami "going"
2x clown loach "going"
1x common plec "going"
4x silver sharks "going"

all the fish "going" are off to my cousin 4x2x2 to a good home :)
SO what other fish could i get in my tank, i was thinking maybe oscar or lima shovelnose catfish. any idears cheers :)
Don't think it can be P. siamensis then!
I'd like to ask about it over on Planet Catfish if you don't mind?
OK, so first instinct was right - it's definitely a Pseudomystus siamensis.
SL (size without tail) is listed as 5.9", which makes TL (length from snout to tip if tail) about 7-8" so your fish is definitely as big as it's going to get.
OK, so first instinct was right - it's definitely a Pseudomystus siamensis.
SL (size without tail) is listed as 5.9", which makes TL (length from snout to tip if tail) about 7-8" so your fish is definitely as big as it's going to get.

nice one im well happy with him anyway cheers m8 any idears what other fish i could put in there :)
i was thinking maybe oscar or lima shovelnose catfish.
i was thinking maybe oscar or lima shovelnose catfish.
Two very different fish!
The bumblebee is relatively peaceful and will be happy with most things not small enough to fit in his mouth, so congo salmon, rainbow fish etc. I'd avoid an oscar only because of the amount of mess they produce, and make of your tank. A lima shovelnose is relatively peaceful, although again, not to be trusted with anything small enough to fit in it's mouth, so again, large fish like congos, but will not be happy with anything too boisterous. Personally, think the large cats you have are ideal, and you just need some middle and surface layer fish. In my experience, you will be much better off if you want to keep fish like limas keeping them in a biotype tank which contains a few plecs, some corydoras and some peaceful mid-water fish so they feel comfortable and you will get the best from them.

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