Bumblebee Catfish


Fish Crazy
Jul 12, 2007
Reaction score
Texas, United States
I put him in the tank today, when i got him at the lfs he was swimming frantically when i put him in the aquarium he swam around frantically slowed down found a hiding spot and now i cant find him. Could he be in the substrate or under a plant?
They are very nocturnal. So it would of found a nice hiding place and it will call that home. Will only come out for feeding at night time.
he could be in the pump depending on the size. My loaches got into there when they were an inch big. Now there close to 4 inches and cant fit.
Not likely to be in substrate. He could be behind driftwood, decorations, plants, or yes even the filter. This is a fish that you probably won't ever see, unless you stay up to watch him come out or take apart your tank.
what kind of bumble bee cat is it? if it is an Asian catfish, he will very easily be able to eat your tetras, and one day very soon your platys. and they dont save them either, there will be a big group of your tetras go missing in one night.

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