Bumblebee Catfish


New Member
Sep 1, 2006
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hi im new to fishkeeping i went to local lfs and found this interesting devil i think its a Microglanis iheringi but any second thoughts please i have a community tank would this fish be okay with them i have read scarey things about them eating small fish i have bought 2 of these and have them in the small tank i have at the moment on their own so would be nice ot know if i can release them. I would appreciate any advice on the fish for this tank aswell please Thanks

Main Tank 180 litres
3 Otos
4 zebra loach
4 clown loach
2 kissing gourami
2 mccoush rainbowfish
3 boesman rainbowfosh
3 gold gourami
2 pearl gourami
yes providing all your fish are 'grown' i.e. over an inch. He may be boistrous for a dayu or so, but then will settle down for you.
Im not exactly sure however I think your tank will be overstocked once your fish are fully grown as Boseman Rainbowfish are large aswell as Clown Loaches & the pearl and kissing gourami's are largish aswell
Okay brillant thankyou very much what about the otos will they be catfish food though i wonder. The tank is 3ft 180 litres so should be okay fingers crossed be alright i have a fluval 305 filter and fluval internal filter.
I've been thinking about getting one of these as well, as all of my bottom feeders aside from my shrimp and my oto have died, then again I only have a 10 gallon tank, so I don' really worry about it.
My parents have on of the bumblebees and it grew quite large but spent most of its time hiding within a cave. They had small neons and guppies within the tank and it never bothered them at all!!

Don't get a fright if it growls at you when you take it out the tank. I nearly dropped it the first time it did that!!!

Hope this helps

Craig :good:
yh i have a featherfin cat and they carnt go with plecos or any other catfish :(

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