Hi ghostknife
There are 2 species I know of that are identified as "Bumblebee Catfish".
Asian Bumblebee Catfish: Leiocassis siamensis
Size: 20 cm - 8"
Temp: 20-26C; 68-79F
pH: 6.0 - 8.0
A nocturnal loner from Thailand/Cambodia that defends a territory and will prey on smaller fish. Should be kept in larger tanks (100 cm - 40") with wef plants and caves or roots for hiding. Eats live foods, flake, tablets
South American Bumblebee Catfish: Microglanis iheringi
Size: 6 cm - 2 1/2"
Temp: 21-25C - 70-77F
pH: 6.5 - 7.5
A peaceful nocturnal catfish from Venezuela/Colombia who may occasionally prey on sleeping fry. A nice addition to a community tank with non-predatory fishes like Corydoras. Eats flake, tablets, frozen larva and shrimp.