Fish Crazy
I mentioned before in another thread of mine that I had a Bumblebee cichlid along with my other three cichlids, and I was informed that Bumblebees had a tendency towards more aggressive behavior than many other kinds of cichlids. I am now beginning to wonder whether this is really true or not. All of my cichlids are the same size--one shy yellow one with black on its dorsal, one white and yellow one with lateral black stripes, one Ice-Blue Jewel, and the Bumblebee. And out of all of them, the Bumblebee is the only one with nipped (not ragged) fins. He is very healthy and shows no signs of illness whatsoever, and yet, despite what I have heard about Bumblebees, he is the shyest cichlid in my aquarium. The only cichlid that chases the others is the Jewel; the rest of them seem fairly at peace with the other fish.
So what is with this Bumblebee? Is it supposed to be this shy?
So what is with this Bumblebee? Is it supposed to be this shy?