Bumble Bee Catfish


I am Nemo!!
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Colorado, USA
i just bought a bumble bee catfish last night. i really like how they look and they have really cool characteristics. i was wondering if they can be kept by them selves or would they prefer a group. your help will be appreciated.
depending on what 'bumblebee' you have;
yes they can be on their own or kept in groups.

do you know exactly which one you have?
Obviously bare in mind that there are species of catfish labelled "bumblebee" cats that range from 3.5" to over 24".

The Dwarf Bumblebee Catfish - Microglanis iheringi is the most popular and stays under 4" long whilst the other fairly common one is the Giant Bumblebee Catfish - Pseudopimelodus bufonius, which gets 9-10".

Look these 2 up along with the others on planet catfish and see which one looks most like yours, i would suspect it is one of the Microglanis species.

If so they are not particularly fussed whether they are in groups or not, although obviously they will be more active if they are in a group.

mine was sold to me as a south american bumbble bee cat. i was told it grows to about 4 inches. ill double on check plannet catfish later on when i get home from school
Of course, just to make matters worse, there is another bumblebee catfish "pseudomystus Siamensis" which is often found in the trade.

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