Bumble Bee Catfish: Territorial And Active?


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
South Wales
Hey all just bought a small bumblebee catfish for my community tank, after doing my research (fine for the size/shape fish I have - provided its well fed and ahs plenty of places to hide).

Now I took this fish on as an intersting fish for me as a catfish enthusiast, and have kept them in the past, all the other ones I have had/seen were shy and retiring and really only appeared in the evening.

this one, is well, a ctive at all tank levels, a little bit intolerant or even mildly bullish with the other tank inhabitants, and its day time!

any one have any suggestions?
Yes, enjoy that fish as long as you can, it may stop being so outgoing :)

I've had a bumble bee cat for around 6 months and (I think I still have it :dunno: ) I see my banjo catfish(all four, at the same time) more than I see it :lol:
cheers :> thats ok then, yes it does seem to be getting on better with my gouramis now, but gets irritated by a lone cory I aqcuired as a rescue.
I had a bumblebee catfish once, i bought him and enjoyed him for about a week, then lost him and assumed he had died, 6 months later i was giving the tank a proper clean and found him (scared the life out of me!)

I dont have him anymore (left him in my old tank at my lodgers house) not that i got to know him anyway!!!

There are a few different catfish sold as bumblebee cats, ranging from microglanis iherengi which is a small timid cat, to the giant bumblebee catfish which lives up to its name. There is also psudeomystus siamensis which is another bumblebee cat that gets to 6" and is mildly predatory.

Which one do you have?
Pseudomystus fuscus

Its settled down lovely now, but is always out and about searching for food (it eats ALOT for its size, I've never had a bumble species like it).

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