

New Member
Apr 16, 2004
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i have two bnose catfish, one of them's bigger than the other and the bigger one seem to be always bullying the smaller... there is this cave in the tank and the big one is always inside it (the smaller never goes inside), and sometimes the bigger one would chase the small one around. when i feed them algae tablets, the bigger one will sort of 'sit' on top of the tablet so the smaller one can't get at it... what should i do?? i can't really seperate them coz i only have one large tank.... the others are really small... like 2 gallons...
Does the smaller bristlenose have somewhere to call its home? If not make some more small caves etc that the larger one cant sit in and you will find the smaller one will be able to make its own terratory.

Hi there

Sounds like you have a prob.
What size of a tank are they in. Plecs can be terrtiorial.
Bunji has an excellent point for making sure, they have lots of places to hide and somewhere they can each call their own.
When I feed at night, I put some algae tabs on one side, and some on the other side of the tank, to ensure everyone gets something.
Good luck! :nod:
our male used to do this to our female untill they settled down and started breeding...

maybe its a maturity thing :dunno:
i think they're still too young to be sexed now... but i put just added a piece of wood (they need the wood right?) and now both of them's on the piece of wood and the old cave seems to have been abandoned... maybe this means the bigger one wont' chase the smaller one anymore... i'll post if anything happens... :) thanks for the comments btw! :D
sounds like courtship. My male ALWAYS chased my female. They started breeding when my male hardly had ANY bristles. Just watch them the next few days, tell me what happens.

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