

New Member
Jul 22, 2008
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I have problem. Well i have just fancy goldfish and i noticed a few days ago that my black moor's fins where tatty but others where fine. I had recently bought an Oranda and i put the blame on the garden centre i bought it from as diff from my normal one. So rushed out bought treatment and treated the tank. I had noticed every morning that the black moor would hide down the side of the filter and thought was weird. Well anyway got up this morning to give morning feed and it crept out from the side of the filter and all of a sudden the new fish and one of my other fish bullied it like crazy it was to see so i have taken out the oranda and other fantail and it seems to be swimming around fine now poor thing. I thought it was fin rot but all the long i think it is just been bullied and nipped.

Well to the Q i was going to ask. Is there anyway to stop these 2 from bullying? as they are quite aggressive when i stood and watched. its a shame to lose the Oranda and the other fantail i do not understand why it seems to have paired up with the oranda anf decided to bully other fish together it was fine till the Oranda come along they had always lived together. But if there is no other way they have to go i guess which makes me a bit worried to buy anymore incase they start bullying to. Now my tank looks bare.

Was there anything wrong with putting different ones like Fantail, Shubunkin, Blackmoore and others together as i thought goldfish where kinda lazy swim abouters and did not bully to much. BTW the tank is not overcrowded they have loads of space so the bullying could not be that.


UPDATE: I just put the oranda back in the big tank after giving it a time out (3 hours) so to speak thinking it might of forgot it was bullying (i'll try anything at this moment) although leaving its pal still seperated. It has not gone to bully the blackmoor but now the other fish are hanging around the Oranda. I dunno is it something i am doing wrong or is this just normal behaviour and i am stressing too much about them.
keep fantails and single tailed seperate. the single tails are a lot faster and like to nip finnage, especially those that are long and trailing.

also they can get territorial so need plenty of room to swim and get away from each other.
I found as well you cant keep ordinary goldfish and fancy together whatever the shops tell you. Also if there is a vast difference in size the larger ones will just knock the smaller out of the way. I had two tiny fancy fish and had to remove them. They are now quite happy in their own tank without clumsy big fish about.
you can put the black moor in one or those plastic baskets and float it in the tank for a few days so the oranda and fantail stop bullyng. Also, make shure you provide enough caves/hiding places.

good luck!..

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