

Fish Addict
Jul 6, 2005
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southampton uk
i had 2 female platty and one male platty. the male and one of the females started to harass the other female.

i brought 2 more female platties to help balance out and hopefully stop her being bullied.

this has had little affect and the female is still being picked on, i hate seeing her being chased all the time they dont leave her alone.

what can i do?
Is the victum female pregnant by any chance? How many gallons is the tank they are in and what is the stocking?
Also what colour are they? Sometimes Platys can take a dislike to one particular colour, black or red usually. Sounds odd I know but it does happen. :dunno:

You could try to move your tank decorations around making it a new environment for them all to get used to, make lots of hiding places for her too. :thumbs:
i have made some coconut caves and am going to re-arrange tank tommorrow.

she is blue in clour but so are most other fish.

i think she may be pregnant, she is the main one that produces fry as i think opther females are still pretty young. will her being pregnantb account for why there bullying her
Yeah, being pregnant can have an influence on it. Males like the pregnancy hormones, and she'll be producing them since she's pregnant. The other female bullying her wouldn't have anything to do with that though.You might just have an aggressive female. You mentioned they were blues, and in my experience...blues have always been a bit more aggressive.

What size tank are they in? For now, I'd add more decorations and plants in, and re-arrange the tank to hopefully rid the territories of the aggressive ones. If it gets to be really bad, you may have to seperate her.

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