Bullying Plec


New Member
Jan 17, 2006
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West Midlands UK
My sailfin Plec "George" is now about 6 inches long. I'm getting concerned as he is becoming rather boisterous in the tank. He usually zooms around the tank when feeding & I understand this is normal behaviour, can anyone tell me if this is correct? Also he does seem to bash the Corydoras around too, he's even tried to munch at them as he swims over them, is this normal behaviour? I am quite worried for their safety at times ! He looks like he would quite happily chew them !

I don't know how much I should be feeding him, he's doubled in size since I had him, but I wnder if I should be feeding him more. He usually just has an Algae wafer every other day. this was what the LFS advised me.

He is getting quite large for my 70 litre tank now and I am thinking of rehoming him, I have been told that it is very hard to net a Plec, and the chap in the LFS said they can bit picked up by hand - I really don't fancy trying to grab hold of him, does anyone have any advice about catching hold of Plecs?

many thanks

That behaviuor seems fine for a Sailfin. They arent herbivores and could munch on a Corydoras but from what youve described it sounds more like getting to the food and hogging it. They get way way too big for a 70litre, they need like a 200litre tank. You can catch him with hollowed out object like a larger jar.

Sailfin plecs grow nearly 18 inches http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/speci...?species_id=148 they need a lot bigger than 200 litres :crazy: the bigger it gets the harder it will be to find it a new home. get 2 nets and use one to guide it in to the other, should be pretty easy to do. Alternatively, wait until it sucks onto some bogwood or a tank ornament then lift the ornament above a bag or net and it should drop straight in. Good luck

Emma :)
thanks guys for the advice on catching him. the LFS are ok to have him back, which is handy. I like the idea about the jar, i'll give that a go.

I have one of these too, but he himself gets bullied by my featherfin syno, im hoping the tables wont eventually turn and he hurts the syno :unsure: . Anyway, when i got him i was told he would get to around 10 inches and have since learnt other wise. He is around 4 inches now, and when i got him about two years ago he was 2 inches.The biggest tank im going to be able to get untill i have my own house(emmm...quite a while away :rolleyes: ) is 310 liters so im probably going to have to rehome him somehow when he get too big :-( .

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