Bullying Fish? Please Help Asap


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
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Somerset, UK
I have a platy and a molly in my tank that for the last couple of weeks have been practically joined at the hip and got along fine. All of a sudden over the last couple of days the molly has started going mad and swimming around the platty and slapping it in the face with its tail, I dont know what sex either of them are and i have no idea of the mating habits of fish as im a newbie but is this what they are doing or is it just being a bully?
Many thanks in advance for replies
I would ask a mod to remove this thread to the livebearers section you will get more reply, the mods names are below in the online members list.
Mollies can sometimes be aggressive fish. Is it possible they are two males? The way to sex them is to look at the anal fin (Which is the fin below the stomach, near the tail). If it's pointed, it's a male. If it's fan-shaped, it's a female. Pictures can be found here. Male on the left, female on the right.

What size tank do you have? I'm thinking it may be a clash of territory with the two males, but I could be wrong. Any information you can give would be helpful. :thumbs:
Hi, thanks for your reply, after looking at the pictures you offered they are definately both males. The tank is a 40 (uk) gallon one and as yet are the only 2 fish in there as it is newly set up and cycled. They came from my sons 4gallon tank where they always seemed happy together. Im off to the lfs tomorrow do you suggest i get a couple more so as he has other company too and hopefully doesnt pick on the same one all the time? if so do i get male or female?
Thanks again for your help
Your best bet to cut down on aggression is getting 2-3 female Mollies. However, this will give you a lot of fry, as Livebearers have fry about once a month, and they can have anywhere from 1-100+. If you are prepared to raise them, and have a place for fry to go, then I'd say that's definitely your best bet. Males will be aggressive with each other, and 2 is a bad number. I'd also recommend you plant/decorate the tank up, so they can get away from each other and have their own little territory. Good luck! :)
thanks very much for your reply, i will get 3 females tomorrow, the tank is fairly well planted but plants have a fair bit of growth to do yet, It has however found a hiding spot and seems quite happy for now.
Thanks again

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