Bully Tiger Barb


Fish Fanatic
Oct 16, 2004
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
Hi all,

Got a reasonable new set up currently got 3 Tigers and 3 Green tiger barbs, oh and Boris the Blue Lobster. The larger Tiger continually chases the other fish. There isn't any signs of fin nipping or lost scales but is this stressing the others out?

Should he be moved?
Mabye if you got another tiger it might catch the attention of the larger one. Usually people put tigers in shoals of 6 and up so they dont pay any attenetion to the other fish and just stay with each other.
I have 18 tiger barbs 6 of each color variation. and the smallest of them all a green tiger barb does most of the chasing in my tank its kinda funny. named him mini me. hes prolly about an inch and the others are 1.5 in. In your case get some more tiger barbs and see what happens.
I got 3 of each to try and encourage shoaling. Seems to work except one Green Tiger.

Not really in the posistion to add more fish yet.
I also agree with getting more barbs to dispel the hostility
Tiger Barbs chase each other about - it's what they do. Normally the advice is to have at least 6 as this spreads the attention out amongst all of them and nobody is overly picked on. If you have room for more, that is better.

If there is no damage, and the others aren't cowering in a corner or hiding, it is probably normal.
yep, I have 8 and there is one who does the exact same thing. It's pretty normal behaviour because like Later Line said, the others show now damage and are not cowering away. Infact every now and then one of the others gets to do the chasing for a couple of minutes!!! 6 is OK, it might help to get a couple more, but I don't think you have a problem.
If you start seeing signs of damage such as missing scales or ripped and torn fins, and the others are all cowering, then there may be a problem, but from wat you described, that is pretty normal Tiger Barb behaviour!!!
Sounds like normal tiger barb behaviour to me. It's what they do. You could up the shoal but you might be pushing it in terms of stocking as they like a fair bit of space.
I have 10 Tigers and they are absolutely mental!!!! but do no harm to any other fish. they wind each other up all day, and leave all the other fish to get on with it. I have found that since i added a RTBS and Kribs they have calmed a lot knowing that maybe they are not in charge any more.

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