Bully Molly


New Member
Dec 8, 2003
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I've got a female silver molly, that is bullying the other fish in my tank. There are two cory catfish and two fantailed guppies....how will this affect the other fish, and is there anything I can do for them?
Yep, get a male molly to keep her occupied. If she keeps doing it, it'll stress all the others out, and make them unhappy, and probably unhealthy. But a male molly is all you need to keep her happy. :)
i agree, another molly will most-likely do the trick, but if it doesnt, one thing that worked for me was removing the agressive fish (into a bowl or bucket) re-arranging all the decorations, waiting a half hour, then putting it back in. it allowes the other fish to get territories with out the bully there to bully them.
You are one of my favorite people here but I have to give you some crap now. :lol: :p If a woman is being all kinds of pushy and bossy....a man is NOT usually going to do the trick,,,,,Errr Wait a minute, You were talking about fish :crazy: Man IF that would ONLY work for the HUMAN kind :cool:

ggrrhhh, this is exactly why I dislike mollies, I had the saem problem, had a silver molly, she bullied and killed 2 of my mollies and now apparently her babies are going the same way (i gave them away) i tried removing her from the tank and even switching her into another tank..the only think that I got to work was putting her in with my 2 rainbow fish, the were the smae size as her and after some initial fighting, they kept her in order... :)

sorry! :(
everyone assumes mollies are passive and peaceful. i've discovered that theyre really somewhere between community and semi aggressive (they need a category all to themselves). the sailfins tend to be even more so than the regular lyretails or roundtails. i have two males, but one aggressed towards the other so much that the females even joined in and started tail slapping him after a time, so i had to separate the passive male into a new tank, otherwise the stress could have killed him. they also went for the platies i had in the tank. my one female, i call her big momma, is larger than my male even, and when she gets in a mood, everyone gets chased (especially in the few days before she is ready to drop fry). how long have you had this molly? is there any chance she's prego and getting ready to have fry? if not, then if you have room, get a male and another female maybe, otherwise, find her a new home, maybe with larger fish as tankmates. if her behavior towards theseother fish continues, she may end up stressig them to death (i've seen it happen, not pretty).
The very first molly I had was a female, and before I new this, I had to give her away because she was slamming (yes, slamming) the other fish in the tank. Even the dwarf puffer...now that's one mean molly. The other two molly's I have were the same way until they got a male. What is it with these girls when they aren't getting any...ummm...attention. :lol: :lol:

You are one of my favorite people here but I have to give you some crap now. If a woman is being all kinds of pushy and bossy....a man is NOT usually going to do the trick,,,,,Errr Wait a minute, You were talking about fish Man IF that would ONLY work for the HUMAN kind

:kira: You crack me up...I'm sure I'm on alot of people's "Favorites" list :kira: :kira: :kira:
Thanks for all the replies....the molly was actually brand new to the tank, only had her for about 2 days....the other 4 fish had been in the tank together for a while with no problems...I've actually moved her out of my tank into my roommates, which has a larger variety of bigger fish, and she seems to be behaving so far....thanks again

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