Bullied Blackmoore


Fish Crazy
Mar 27, 2008
Reaction score
Gt Dunmow, Essex
Hello everyone!!
I have a 100L tank with 1 Blackmoore, 2 Lionheads, 2 little fancy fantails, 1 Algae eater, 1 pink worm thing, Some Minos and some Zedbra danios and a pleco.
I went to work last nite and when i had come back my friend had been round and my other half had let her put one of her fish that was bein bullied in MY tank. It is a little blackmoore and it looks like an old rag.
Can my other fish catch whatever this has or is it just where it has had its fins nipped?? Is there anything i can give it. It looks happy and everything and is eating it just looks all raggy.
If the fishes fins are infected with finrot then there's a possibility that it could pass it on to your fish- did your friend actually witness their other fish attacking this moore or did she simply see its torn fins and assume it had been bullied by the other fish?

I do have to warn you though that as your current fish grow the tank will become overstocked with the types and number of fish you have in it, so you just definitely consider upgrading the tank to a size tank that can house all of the fish in the long term without any issues, or consider rehoming some of your fish at some point soon (perhaps some of the goldfish, and/or the pleco, particularly if its a Common or Sailfin pleco, and perhaps the algae eater depending on what it is exactly) :nod: . Its also important you ID your algae eater and "pink worm" think too :nod: . Without much info to go on i can't say what the worm thing is, but your algae eater is likely to be a Chinese Algae Eater (as these fish are the most commonly sold fish under the vague names of "algae eater" or "sucker fish" etc)- does your algae eater fish look anything like the ones in the links below;




Or something different?
Yeah she did see it attacking it She is takind them back on sunday so i just have to keep it till then.

Yeah that is the loach i have the green one with the black stripe.

Yeah she did see it attacking it She is takind them back on sunday so i just have to keep it till then.

Yeah that is the loach i have the green one with the black stripe.


Ah ok then.

If you have a Chinese Algae Eater you should get its own long tank as soon as you can as they are really tropical fish and have a reputation for becoming territorial/aggressive as they mature towards all manner of other fish (this is not to say that all CAE's become territorial/aggressive to other fish as they mature, but a lot do- if it does turn territorial/aggressive then all of your fish apart from the danio's and minnows will be at particular risk from the fish)- it will also outgrow the tank depending on the tanks exact dimensions, with the fishes potential to grow to over 10inches long or more :nod: .
Do you know what type of pleco you have as well exactly :) ?

Yeah he is a butterfly plec about 1" in size. I rally dont know what the pink work is he is about 10cms long and skinny.

Thanks Haylea

Yeah he is a butterfly plec about 1" in size. I rally dont know what the pink work is he is about 10cms long and skinny.

Thanks Haylea

Does the butterfly pleco look like this fish;


(Hillstream Loaches are often mis-labelled under a lot of random names in petshops, like "butterfly pleco's" or "Hong Kong pleco's" (even though they're not related to pleco's at all ;) ))

Are you absolutely positive that the worm thing is not a fish of some sort? Maybe like a golden eel loach;

<a href="http://www.loaches.com/species-index/pangio-doriae" target="_blank">http://www.loaches.com/species-index/pangio-doriae</a>

Hi Yes the plec looks like that shape but black and brown i colour. And the worn thing has the same head as that but is pink.
Kind Regds
Hm there are many types of hillstream loaches, you should check out this list of some of them to see if any match your one;


You should also check out this link on how to create the ideal habitat for them and how to care for them well etc;


:thumbs: .

Check out these links too to see if your worm thing matches any of these serpentine type loach fish;

(see the golden variety of the weather loach)


If you can get any pics of your worm fish thing that would help a great deal in ID'ing it :nod: .

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