Bulldog/rubbernose Plec


Fish Addict
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Leicestershire, England
well i was in the LFS today after a largish mid water fish then i came across some "bulldog plecs" had a chat with the lady in charge she recconed they grow to about 6"........so i came home with a bulldog

now ive searched through the fish index and a few books at home and cant find anything on them, is it just another name for the pitbull plec?

anyone else got any? he/she is hiding behind the heater but looks happy
well i was in the LFS today after a largish mid water fish then i came across some "bulldog plecs" had a chat with the lady in charge she recconed they grow to about 6"........so i came home with a bulldog

now ive searched through the fish index and a few books at home and cant find anything on them, is it just another name for the pitbull plec?

anyone else got any? he/she is hiding behind the heater but looks happy
If it is a pitbull plec. look down at the post 4 or 5 below from me. I have just bought 3, and they won't get to 6" 2½ is more the max for these, which is why I wanted them. They really are scavengers on algae whereas a lot of other plecs prefer a mixed diet.
thanks for the info you got some real nice plec's there mine cant be a pitbull as it was half the price of yours

Browsing through the tanks at your local fish shop, you are likely to come across a bulldog or rubbernose plec from time to time - or at least a tank label tells you they're meant to be in there.

and just read this on PFK thanks to a link in the fish index, at least he/she should stay small(ish) that was my main concern
Bulldogs plecs prefer cooler temperatures and higher currents than most tropical fish. They're quite hard to keep alive from what I've read, but if you bear that in mind you should be fine. Congrats!
ive read that too

the temp was turned down a couple of degrees before purchase ive added an airstone and lowered the filter so theres more current at the base of the tank theres a number of large smooth rocks he likes to hide away under, he's poised behind the filter at the moment

a very timid fish but such a lovely fish when he shos his face

he's been named Dyson .....as he's a sucking fish like a hoover :D
moved the filter to the other side of the tank and angled it at the rock's

he doesnt like the rocks............wont leave the filter alone though furiously sucking it all over, ill hopefully get a pic soon now he/she's settled in
well he deffinetly prefers it when the lights are out but will venture around happily now still mighty impossible to get a decent pic of so i left some food in a secluded spot and set my webcam up next to the tank and sat and waited.......


heres the spot you can see my male ram in his hiding spot


an albino inspect the food............and oh what be that there



rubbish lighting and crap quality but there he is :D
Congrats on your purchase. There were six of these in my rather crappy LFS one day and the other half really wanted one (I normally wouldn't buy from there) - easily now our favourite fish I wish I'd bought more than one. They've had ones that look slightly flatter and of a different colouring in since (more like the pics here http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=34993). I've toyed with the idea that ours is something different entirely, but some of the pics on PCF do look more like it.

Ours is called Ash - primarily because of it's huge lips (Leslie Ash...) and seems to feed almost entirely on Algae, won't eat wafers, won't eat fresh veg. What strikes me most about the fish is that on his sides he develops a green tinge between the spots (you can just see it in the pic) when well fed. I'd be interested in knowing exactly what you manage to get yours to suck on! I'll attach a piccy below from when we put him in his new replacement tank - he looks rather forlorn probably from stress and the initial lack of algae in the new tank


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