Bulldog Pleco


Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
Mar 4, 2005
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Leicestershire UK
Got myself a Bulldog Pleco last week and i must say he is such a lovely little chap always out and about and got rid of all my algae in less than a day :hyper:

anyway he is currently feeding on shrimp, catfish pellets and the occasional bloodworm, is there anything else i could feed him? does he need veg or meatier foods? and does he require bogwood?

sorry for all the questions have only kept BNs before :blush:
My old Bulldog Pleco used to love Zucchini and the occasional bit of cucumber :drool:
Got myself a Bulldog Pleco last week and i must say he is such a lovely little chap always out and about and got rid of all my algae in less than a day :hyper:

anyway he is currently feeding on shrimp, catfish pellets and the occasional bloodworm, is there anything else i could feed him? does he need veg or meatier foods? and does he require bogwood?

sorry for all the questions have only kept BNs before :blush:

No... bogwood isnt essential but is always a good thing to add if you have plecs in the tank... makes very good hiding places and good for them to rasp on even if they arnt a wood eating species.

Food wise, feed a good range of foods, they should be offered and varying range of veg and live/frozen foods. They can be a abit finicky to feed on many foods so perseverance is the best way to go.

Nice fish and congrats on your new(ish) purchase :)
They require cooler temps than most other Lori's, also love highly oxygenated water.

Mix of veg and meatier foods is best, they are omnivores.

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