Bulkreefsupply Eco Rock


Apr 30, 2006
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Pennsylvania, USA
Hey, i have about 30lbs of fully cured rock going in my 90 gallon tank.

I was wondering if I bought this:


Would i have to cure it? They say it comes prewashed/powerwashed or whatever and is free of pests.

The 30 lbs of rock is covered in coraline algae and stuff so it should seed well. My main concern is having to cure the rock like Marco rock, but since this isn't from the ocean, would it still need curing?
its free of that stuff as i think its just dead plain rock from what i can see
good choice there jtnova. This rock comes from construction sites around the carribean and millions of years ago was part of a natural reef. Anyway, it's just calcium carbonate, nothing fancy. My only suggestion would be to give it a quick rinse to remove dust and then you're all set ot use it
Change of plans! Thanks for the feedback.

I was able to lock down 70 lbs of coraline covered and sump rock (teeming with copepods!) for about $2.25/lb which is much cheaper than the dead rock!

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