Bulk Heads, Dursos And Sumps


Fish Crazy
Mar 7, 2008
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Hey Folks,

I am considering upgrading my new 45L nano tank to a 90-120L nano. I already have an arcadia 4 tube t5 OT luminiere (aka the really expensive bit), and pretty much everything else I need now to upgrade my tank fairly cheaply. I would probably keep the small tank as a hospital tank, or turn it into a sump.

I like the idea of a sump and have watched videos on youtube about drilling tanks for sumps, setting up sump pumps and so on. I already have the equipment including eheim pump, and some ehein green flexible tubing (which I could possibly use).

Questions -

1. where would I buy a durso system so that the water could drain from the tank bulkhead into the sump? Where would I buy the bulkhead connectors that fit in the whole that is drilled in the tank?

2. sump construction - i have seen sumps that have all manner of wonderful compartments. How do i find out how to create the perfect sump for a skimmer, live rock rubble, a miracle mud deep sand bed, and some macro algae?

Thought I'd throw this link here for you:

Good source there. And remember to get your skimmer dimensions prior to building the sump. I barely had enough room for mine; I got lucky.
as nemo said have a read of that link. has also the info you need about sumps and has some great sump layouts on there.

personaly i would use the twin standpipe method. I had problems with my durso and had to get another hole drilled to turn it into a twin standpipe. (best to search on google)

you should be able to get all the pipework/bulkheads from your lfs or from coralculture heard alot of good things about them
as nemo said have a read of that link. has also the info you need about sumps and has some great sump layouts on there.

personaly i would use the twin standpipe method. I had problems with my durso and had to get another hole drilled to turn it into a twin standpipe. (best to search on google)

you should be able to get all the pipework/bulkheads from your lfs or from coralculture heard alot of good things about them

Hey Guys,

Both posts are really helpful. I will Google twin standpipe - I heard a durso was the best way to do it, but I'm open to advice.

Yes the sump post is very helpful! I'm on my second read of it. I think I may just drill the tank for the bulk heads and take my time creating the perfect sump. I already have a HOB refugium I can use.

I didn't know that the LFS sold these things, but will enquire.


some lfs do some dont. if they specialise in marine i would of thought they would carry. my lfs dont but the nearest specialist marine place near me do.

if not look at coral culture

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