Bulb Anemone


New Member
May 21, 2006
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I bought a Bulb anemone last week and it anchored itself to the top of the live rock for about 3 days and then started moving down the side. After about a day of this it has disappeared into the caves in the live rock, we haven't seen it for about 36 hrs. Should we worry or is this normal behavior.
It had been looking good with nice bulbs on the ends and I fed it some pieces of shrimp. We are waiting to find the right Maroon Clown to put in with him. Tank temp is holding at about 77.5 degrees. Lighting is a Metal Halide.
Just wondering whether to worry or not?
How old is the setup?

Anenomes need mature systems, preferably no younger than 1 year.
Be careful when doing this, the anenome is clearly u nhappy for some reason.

It might be shock, perhaps lighting... new water (which can change perameters quickly) or poor nutrtients etc.

Anenomes live for centuries and are happy to remain in 1 position all this time. They will only move fod a very small number of reasons. Water quality is poor.... the flow rate is wrong... No food.... Poor light. If it has all of these then your anenome should stay put.
Good question! :good:

And err.. I dont acutally know :blush:

I know mine is only a baby @ 3 years old at the moment, it came in as a stray on some liverock.. It was so small i actually nearly mistook it for some nuisance majano. Its now about 2 inches across and growing slowly. I am pretty sure its a green bubbletip but im not 100% sure.

I know this can easily be beaten, perhaps there are other members out there with longer lived anenomes?

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