Built In Tank, In A Alcove.

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Fish Herder
Mar 19, 2005
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uk, lancashire, burnley
Right i posted a article a wile back on tank stand and hood construction, now the next instalment. :D

This next lot of pics will give you a first hand view of the processes out lined in the first article.
Basically i want to show you don't need fancy power tools to get good results, just a bit of effort and time spent,

I bet there is loads of people out there that would like to build a tank into a alcove, but arent sure how to go about it.
I've been bizzy building one for the wife's Tanganyika setup, and when finished i will post step by step guide with loads of pics.

All those intrested say "I" .
I would love to follw your progress on this as I have followed progress on other projects you have done and have found those to be excellent.

Keep up the good work :nod:
Do it up! :) They didn't have fancy power tools 100+ years ago, and built some beautiful furniture.


Get it...? Eye...? :lol:
Been hard at it, done lights, and other bits got to get some hard board for inside the cupboards tomorrow, so with any luck i should have something on the net by then.

But in the mean time here's something to wet your appetite :lol:

Just a question, if someone opens the door too far or fast, won't the knob hit the glass? Maybe you already accounted for this but from the picture, it looks like it might happen.
i guess he would just need to put a stopper on the bottom of the stand to prevent this from happening, or make a rubber door knob :p
what if your stopper is faulty?? oh no!


I have 5 kids belive me i though about that as well, the center rail just under the tank is a little higher than the door handle so it hits the wood and not the tank.

My wife was the first to try this out when she had her bear's head on one afternoon, please god don't let her see this :X
I like the novel hood idea, simple and effective.
Nice Job
Thanks big C i was going to hang it with chain, but decided it was more practical this way.
Its easy to move for maintenance and i,m going to put some more shelves for her nick knacks later.

Right finely finished, and filled with dechlorinated water.
Just waiting for it to come to temp, and i can put the filter sponges in which have been in another tank for a wile maturing.

I,ve just spent the last half hour renaming all the pics and putting them into order, ready for resizing, then i can write it up and post. which will probably take a few days.

in the mean time i,m going to get some silver sand on my travels and a trip to the dales for some rock to decorate it.
Were going for a natural look, with a sloping rock wall to a sand bottom, and then a tree stump at the other side with some java moss and maybe a anbuila with a few onion plants at the back of it.

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