Fish Herder
Right i posted a article a wile back on tank stand and hood construction, now the next instalment.
This next lot of pics will give you a first hand view of the processes out lined in the first article.
Basically i want to show you don't need fancy power tools to get good results, just a bit of effort and time spent,
I bet there is loads of people out there that would like to build a tank into a alcove, but arent sure how to go about it.
I've been bizzy building one for the wife's Tanganyika setup, and when finished i will post step by step guide with loads of pics.
All those intrested say "I" .
This next lot of pics will give you a first hand view of the processes out lined in the first article.
Basically i want to show you don't need fancy power tools to get good results, just a bit of effort and time spent,
I bet there is loads of people out there that would like to build a tank into a alcove, but arent sure how to go about it.
I've been bizzy building one for the wife's Tanganyika setup, and when finished i will post step by step guide with loads of pics.
All those intrested say "I" .