Building A Reef

Nov 26, 2005
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Oregon USA
So how do u guys do it? How do you compose reefs entirely of acroporas and montiporas and all the other poras sitting right next to eachother when they can sting eachother? Do you just let them fight until they resolve the space issue on their own? Im thinking ill just "build" mostly of LR then place corals accordingly in nooks and crannies within the spaces of the mass of rock so as not to have a dead coral because another got too close killed it. Id like the "traditional" i guess u could say, look of the big tall row of "poras" in the back, then tapering slowly down to different species in the front and on the sandbed. Am I just missing something that only requires common sense? I dont know but Id like the 2nd setup better than the first but i just am not sure about how to go about it without throwing money down the tube. Anyone with this setup i have described, or anything close, please explain to me how you did it.
Not all corals will fight even if side by side. I have a bubble coral and a maze right next to each other. BOth are considered relatively aggressive yet they have never attacked each other. My maze coral has never showed any of its sweepers since i have had it (2 years).

Some corals will completely ignore each other yet wage war with a coral half way across the tank. Most corals will be fine as long as they have growing room , as they grow they will get used ot the others around them and "usually" they will live in harmony. The problem usually rises when you add a new coral to the system.. much like a new fish, if its seen to be a newcomer to the system then a turf war can take place. I would recomend that carbon is run if the tank is heavily populated with corals especially when adding a new coral.
Ok that totally answered my question, just put them far apart and when they grow close it usually wont bother them. C like i said, just one little thing i was missing! the good thing is that most acroporas grow relatively fast when living in the right conditions. thanks!

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