Building A Fish House?


Spishkeys Turtle Rescue
Jun 20, 2008
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ok so it looks more certain that we are moving shortly and fingers crossed if we get the house we want, i can have my very own fish house, theres more than enough room!

what i need to know is are there any guides out there to building one? or is it just build a building move in the fish?

anyone here have one i can take a look at (pics?) or anyone know of some good sites?
Hi Spishkey :)

I think there have been some similar projects discussed in the Hardware and DIY section, so I'll move your thread over there. I hope you can get the house you have in mind. :D
i never knew there was a diy section, wow!! many thanks inchworm :)
Never built a fish house myself but read up on it a little while ago. The best way is to have a very well insulated building and reptile heat mats to provide heating of multiple tanks and save on heating costs. If breeding provide each tank with its own sponge filter and use a large canister filter that is connected to all tanks which work as additional filtration it will need to be very large so a DIY one is probable most cost effective. What fish are you thinking of keeping?

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