Bucktooth Tetra


Fish Crazy
Aug 23, 2009
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My lfs has some "Bucktooth Tetras". Are they really tetras? I wonder because I have read about exodon paradus on here and I wonder if they are them. Just a question. :fun: Thanks!
yes they are a member of the tetra family, even by just looking at them you can tell they are.. by the shape scale size and position of the eyes and mouth..
Thank you, but are bucktooth tetras also called exodon paradus?

Edit: I just figured out that they are exodon paradoxus. Does anyone know if the are territorial or aggressive? In other words, are they peacefull?
Thanks, are they compatible with bleeding heart tetras, plecos, rope fish, and african butterfly fish?
they will tear your fish to streds sorry,
just did a little more research and there highly agressive so only can be kept in a species tank
"exodon paradoxus" are characins, but are no more a "tetra" then a piranha or payara.
exodons are actually a monotypic characin, that doesn't really fit into any specific category.
dont let the common name fool you.

as previously stated, they are generally not a community fish, and with your current stock, will likely kill your fish. HOWEVER, contrary to what was posted earlier, they are not necessarily a species only fish. there are a couple of options for tank mates, but again, none of the ones you currently have are on that list.

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