Bubbles Per Second


Fish Fanatic
Oct 24, 2007
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I have a CO2 setup going... what is the maximum bubbles per second that i can have wih a 40 gal tank with 1WPG...
Bubbles per second really comes in to play more accurately once you have established to 30ppm of CO2 in the water. Take a look at this thread that I started a few days back...

Hope it helps
I have a CO2 setup going... what is the maximum bubbles per second that i can have wih a 40 gal tank with 1WPG...

When i set up mine, i went on the basis of a bubble per second, i then kept testing it twice aday to see what level of diffusion ratio i was getting and adjusted the rate as i needed to. Keep an eye on your kh, and gh because you will get different results with a high hardness level. The co2 will be diffused into softer water allot quicker than in harder water, because the carbonic acid which is created during the process will just react with any excess calcium in your tank sometimes giving a cloudy milky water. hope this helps mate lets us know.
How do i test all of this stuff... like the 30ppm and the kh(what is kh?) and gh (what is gh?)
kh is carbonate hardness and gh is general hardness. I don't know what that is though! Some relation between magnesiem and something else...

You can get test kits for that.
The easiest way to describe what each one is as:

kH Carbonate hardness- is the levels of calcium and other soft deposits in the water
gH general hardness - is the levels of other heavy compounds or metals in the water including silicates.

the way i understand this is that kH is a buffer which controls your pH so if your kH is high your pH will generally be high too. And then gH is a buffer for your kH which in turn determins how stable your kH is. CONFUSING AS HELL!!! but all this is reletive to how stable your pH is.

For example you can have a tank at ph 6.5 with a kH of 4 degs, but your gH is around 18. This will make your pH unstable because in theory your gH levels can raise your kH levels over time, this is why i use R.O water, because its got nothing in it and you can build the composition of the water yourself.
I just started so I'm doing one bubble per second. The tank is moderately planted on the low end and since I haven't done this before, I'm taking it slow and careful.
i have mine comming out of an airstone and at any one time there is a heafty stream of bubbles commingo ut.. WAY more then i could count lol... and this is witht the yeast setup... is this normal??
It is though as the yeast use up the sugars and begin to die off it will slow down. That'll take a few weeks to a month or two depending on the amount of yeast and food they have.

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