Bubbles Everywhere


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Ok so I decided to finally divide Cobolts tank and move Gabriel in next to him on Saturday! Got up yesterday morning and Gabriel had built a huge bubble nest against the divider! I went out during the morning and came back to find Cobolt had also built a huge bubble nest more or less in the same spot as Gabriels but on other side! Of course had to go out again and came back only find Gabriel had decided to build another nest in the back corner of his half as well as bubbles along all the edges Cobolt is doing the same by having bubbles along the side! I actually can't get over the amount of bubbles in this tank now as Gabriel never has been much of a nest builder and Cobolts are normally pretty small!

Is this normal for bettas in divided tanks? I was expecting them to be sulking for a while but they seem happier now that they are next to one and other
:D Perfectly normal! I have a 10gal divided and it always seems whoever is at the ends of the tank that creates the awesome bubble nest.

Don't worry be happy! :lol:
I just cant believe how many bubbles there are! Might try and get pics of my boys and their nests tonight! Well if they stay still long enough I've been trying for a couple of months now but cant get a good pic of them
Thats what my 2 boys did... built a nest either side of the divider. Then they got in together and had a scrap...little devils. :crazy: both OK now but apart!
When I got my new boy Risteek, all of a sudden Rainbow, a fish who didn't care that hes a betta fish (never flared or built bubblenests) started acting like a betta fish, hehe.

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