Bubbles comming from new teracota pot?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
London, UK
I just put a large washed teracota pot in my aquarium and bubbles have started coming out of everywhere, is it just pourus and soaking up the water or can these pots react with tank water? I don't wanna kill my fish! They don't seem bothered by it. Please respond fast.

Many, many thanks,

Terracotta Pots.

Don't use new terracotta, lime is added during manufacture and it will affect the water chemistry.

Old weathered terracotta is entirely safe after a quick rinse.

They make excellent caves for breeding Dwarf Cichlids.

Oddly, they look surprisingly natural.
if it was a new pot it should be ok [new as in .. not used in the garden]. I have got terra cotta pots from the garden centre before now , rinsed them over and put in the aquarium .they do bubble for a while , justsoaking up water .. pebbs:)
Yeah, panic over, the bubbling is dying out now. Guess it was just soaking up water.

Thanks all.

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