Bubbles Coming From My Subtrate?


Mar 21, 2009
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surrey uk
everytime i stir it it realses a few bubbles is this methane from clogged detrius, shall i get a sand movver to resolve the problem?
An inch and a half doesn't seem that high, I am with seffie though, i have about a half inch.

Fighting conchs, nassarius snails, sand sifting gobies would keep your substrate turned over.

A gobie can choke on big pieces of substrate though so make sure yours is small enough.
I very much doubt it is methane, it probably is related to respiratory i.e carbon dioxide and/or nitrogen gas from nitrate reduction. You could test it by stirring the sand to release the gas and hold a naked flame near the water surface where the bubbles emerge. If you lose your eye brows then it probably is methane however I think the more probable result will be extinguishing the flame.

Hope this helps

I very much doubt it is methane, it probably is related to respiratory i.e carbon dioxide and/or nitrogen gas from nitrate reduction. You could test it by stirring the sand to release the gas and hold a naked flame near the water surface where the bubbles emerge. If you lose your eye brows then it probably is methane however I think the more probable result will be extinguishing the flame.

Hope this helps


I can only see that ending in tears....

and yet another burn mark on bollands ceiling lol

yes i am quite the unlucky piromaniac so keep me away from matches, the last incident ended up with smoke filling the house and not being able to see 2 foot in front of your face :p scary event.
wow...you're about as bad as my brother. Filing a 2 liter bottle w/gasoline and suspending it over a bonfire. Some INSANE fire balls :eek:

Anyway, what do you have for cuc now?
just some snails and hermits snails might be nass but they are big and they are blind, cortousy of puffer now past away
IF they bury in the sand and rarely come out, or only come out when the tank is fed, they are nassarius snails. I don't remember if cerith bury or not.... astraea don't bury.

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