

Jul 3, 2004
Reaction score
North Yorkshire, UK
How can I encourage my betta and Gouramis to build bubble nests is there certain things that need to be in the tank so that they can build bubble nests.
i dont' know about gouramis, but i notice my bettas will build extra extra large nests when i give them more food than usual! and better food too such as frozen bloodworms and things.

Attention also helps too :p my bf's betta was moved to teh dresser where he coudlnt' be seen as much as he refused to blow a singel bubble, when my bf moved him back to his desk with him, he build a huge nest :wub:
i didn't know gouramis built nests but as for ur betta, they just build nests wen they are happy, feed him good food and give him space, he'll build ya a big one ;)
In my experience bettas always seem to be more determined to make a bubblenest when there are other bettas/betta like fish around. I have a female in a small half a gal tank right next to my 10 gal which houses my male betta and several other fish. He spends a lot of time flaring for her and building his nest to get ready for the spawning.
I give my betta live food and some frozen bloodworms. He had a huge nest by the next day! :eek:
Mine is temperamental. He had a huge one until I went away for the weekend and when I came home it was gone. I think he was sulking because the "fish sitter" doesn't spoil him like I do. :rolleyes:

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