Bubble Wall ??


New Member
Mar 4, 2004
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Hi All !

I just returned from my local pet store and I purchased a bubble wall.

This is the biggest piece of junk I have ever purchased!! :angry:

It was a long flexible tube with about 4-5 weights hanging off of it. You are supposed to bury the weights into the gravel.

I did this and the damn think keeps floating back to the surface!! I am incredibly annoyed right now. My shirt is soaking wet cause my tank is sooo darn full (water change last night) that everytime I stick my hands into the tank to re-bury the wand, the tank overflows on me.

I only have a 10 galloon tank with an AquaClear Mini filter. Do I really need an airstone at all? Does the filter provide enough surface movement?

I'd be happy to ditch the airstones cause my tank is in my bedroom and it's kinda loud at night :D

Anyone ever had any luck with these bubble walls!!??

I'm wondering if one with suction cups would be better....then it wouldn't be able to float back up.

Please help!! :*)

I have the 14" bubble wall from Penn Plax and it works well. You use the suction cups to stick it on the aquarium wall.
A hanging power filter like an Aquaclear provides all of the aeration you need, unless you have your tank overstocked. I don't use airstones in any of my tanks, I can't stand them.
everyone has different opiions of air stones, if you have good surface movement then you are cool to do with out one. I do a bubble wand/ air stones for several reasons.
Good water circulation, it brings bottom water to the top and gets a nice , not to powerful current going. no need for stagnant water.
My live bearers love swimming in it. They seem to enjoy the current the bubbles make. I also catch my cories in it playing.
Also good surface movement which promotes oxygen :thumbs:
i sucktion my bubble wall onto the bodom of the tank than cover it up with the gravel. I also have an air filter in my room so i cant hear it anyways. cant stand the extream quiet.
hmm i think that maybe a bubble wall is a bit overkill in a ten gallon tank. how long is it? i just use a simple 1 inch long airstone on mine. the fish seem to like it. my tank is also in my bedroom so i just unplug it at night.
Whoa, flyhockey. I can't believe you keep all of those fish together in one tank. Especially one that small. Normally those fish would nip each other to death! You must have gotten nice ones. Oh well, whatever suits you best. I would just scrap the bubble wall. They are unnecesary and ugly and loud. Just my oppinion. I don't want to offend anyone.
I think the bubble walls are pretty when placed at the back of the tank, but I, too, couldn't get it to stay in place. I tried suctioning it to the bottom of the tank and putting gravel over it and everything. I gave up and it's sitting in the back of my cabinet. Mine has the suction cups. Anyone have suggestions for getting these things to stay down?! :blink:
decorations at each end to keep it down, or if you put a flowerpot over it upside down the bubbles will come through the hole in the pot looks cool
How can you be sure there won't be harmful chemicals leaching from the clay the pot is made out of? Does the vinegar test work for everything?
i had the same prob i have a 8" marineland one its a blue tube (one suction cup clap broke) i have a rock on the one end its seems to be holding but what i would like to know is i wish i woulda got the pen plax air stone material strips, there green and weighted like a rectangle shape not round tube like mine and sem to be easy to bury, the guys tha tmentione the pen plax? is this the type u have and if so does it stay down? seems these *strip-like ones * are nice plz advise!!!
If you have some surface movement from your filter and you are not overstocked, an airstone is quite unecessary.

Ordinary clay pots are safe to use in a tank if they are clean. It is not the clay that is likely to cause problems, it is if the pot has been sprayed with pesticides or other noxious chemicals.
Thanks Guys !

I'm gonna go to the store tomorrow and get some suction cups and try that.

I thought I had it all buried nicely and then one night at 3am I heard a big crash and woke up to find my bubble wall tubing floating at the surface, my air pump on the floor and water dripping out of the tubing that had come detached from the pump..... :/

My problem is gonna be:

1. Getting it to stay put and
2. Getting it to stay put while using the gravel vaccum...I think as soon as I shove that thing in the gravel, it will float up again.

What a nightmare!

I know I don't NEEED an airstone, cause I can't stand the noise at night, but I think they are pretty...

Thanks again!


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