Bubble Question!


Feb 12, 2006
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Tampa, Florida, USA
Ok so im doing something right this time. i see vertical stripes and a bubble nest. but i got some questions.

is this bubble nest big enough?

and if she keeps running from him and loses the stripes afer about 10 minutes does this mean she is not physically ready?

i hope not this is kind of exiting.
Awsome i woke up today and the bubble nestcompletely filled out the cup! so im going to let the female out and see what happenes.
:good: sounds good ---how has the male reacted to the female being released? :rolleyes:
ive released a few times since the morning for about an hour each. everytime she has vert bars and he flairs by her and hen goes under the nest he does this over and over untill hes fed up and trys to bite her on the back. he hits her reall hard till shes forced to run. should i let this happen, cause ive been takeing her out and back into the separator. still in his view. hes doing it perfect but i dont think she has enough eggs. i figured she would have enough eggs by the time the nest was made but she hasent grew. she is full of eggs but other females ive seen got bigger than she is. i dont think shes realdy ive had her about 2 weeks butshe started off slow. im going to try again but if not there going back to there bowls. and conditioning and try again.

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