Bubble Nests


New Member
Feb 28, 2006
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OK - I have had my male veil tail betta for six months now - he's done very well solo in a 5g tank. I looked into his tank tonight and I saw a huge bubble nest! It is absolutely gorgeous - if I can figure out how, I'll add a photo to this post. My question is - why is he doing that?? I don't have any other bettas or fish, let alone a female! The past couple days he's spent an inordinate amount of time trying to scare me - puffing himself up at me LOL What's going on with him?? Thanks!
OK - I have had my male veil tail betta for six months now - he's done very well solo in a 5g tank. I looked into his tank tonight and I saw a huge bubble nest! It is absolutely gorgeous - if I can figure out how, I'll add a photo to this post. My question is - why is he doing that?? I don't have any other bettas or fish, let alone a female! The past couple days he's spent an inordinate amount of time trying to scare me - puffing himself up at me LOL What's going on with him?? Thanks!

This should be a photo....

OK - I have had my male veil tail betta for six months now - he's done very well solo in a 5g tank. I looked into his tank tonight and I saw a huge bubble nest! It is absolutely gorgeous - if I can figure out how, I'll add a photo to this post. My question is - why is he doing that?? I don't have any other bettas or fish, let alone a female! The past couple days he's spent an inordinate amount of time trying to scare me - puffing himself up at me LOL What's going on with him?? Thanks!

This should be a photo....

Yay! I am glad to hear this means he's happy!! He seems happy - am glad the bubblenest is a good sign :D Thanks!!


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He's young, verile, and just hoping a ripe young lady fish will come along with her eggs and allow him to fill 'er up! :lol:
By fill 'er up I meant the bubble nest, but you can take it that way if you want! :hey:
He's young, verile, and just hoping a ripe young lady fish will come along with her eggs and allow him to fill 'er up! :lol:

Actually, more like "squeeze her up" :fun:

OK here's another photo - this is Chance, my betta boy :) He came home from the pet shop with septicemia & fin rot (I didn't realize it til he was home - he is only my 2nd betta ever) and after three "go-rounds" with the powerful antibiotics I had to get (the stuff just kept coming back at him) he finally recovered! His fins aren't as pretty as they (they're actually better looking than in this photo!) were but he's doing so well! He's grown at least half an inch since I've had him :D

This...is Chance....(the picture isn't the clearest by the way LOL).....and he must be admired LOL


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