Bubble Nest


New Member
Jan 16, 2008
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My male betta lives alone in a tank right now and I woke up today with a lot of bubbles, I was wondering if I put a female in there right now would they mate soon or it doesnt work that way
He is just happy! I have introduced girls to my bubble nesters and they destroy the nest pretty quick...
My male betta lives alone in a tank right now and I woke up today with a lot of bubbles, I was wondering if I put a female in there right now would they mate soon or it doesnt work that way

Breeding is not as simple as sticking two fish together and hoping that it works. Breeding takes massive amounts of time and effort on your part. You have to condition both the male and female for 2 weeks by feeding them live food while treating the water with IAL[indian almond leaf]. And then you need to have the proper tank set up for breeding. You'll need live foods such as baby brine shrimp for your fry to eat when they hatch. And then, once the fry start to grow in size, you will need a grow out tank; and eventually you'll need jars for all the males as they will get aggressive and kill each other. Seeming as each spawn can have 30-300 fry, you'll need room for all of these fish, you'll also need to find proper homes for them all. Just dumping them off at a petshop is not responsible.

I would strongly advise against breeding until you have done more research and you're able to properly do it. Also, don't breed VTs. Buy or import a good breeding pair if you are interested in breeding. The market is crowded with VTs, with hundreds if not thousands upon thousands dying every week in petshops.

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