bubble nest size


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
I was wondering how big the bubble nest needs to be. Does it just need to be to the lady's liking? :dunno:
There is no "set size" that a bubble nest has to be per saé, each female will accept a diffrent size nest.
James is right, though it also has to be big enough to support eggs. :nod: That's kind of up to you as far as judgement, though.
The ultimate judge is the female, if it's not big enough or good enough for her, she'll destroy it and he'll start over again. I love bettas. :D
Thanks for the replies, I have my crownies together and he built a really pathetic nest. She looked at it four or five times and "offered herself" to him, but he just kept taking her back to the nest. After that she destroyed it, and as far as I can tell, he's not working on a new one. I don't know about them. I just want to tell him "You're a man, forget the foreplay and get on with it!" He's being to nice to her. Oh well, I'll give em a little while longer and then call it off. :dunno:
my pair spawned before the male had a chance to build his nest, he just built it as the eggs came out of the girl.. but i think they are like life partners or something hehe, cause in the community tank i have i use to let the male and female be in the same tank, they spawned at least two times in there, too bad there was other fishes, alse i would have quite a few fry :)
Ok, today he has built a new nest and she is very plump. I'm not watching them like hawks or anything, but they don't seem as interested as I would hope they would be. Maybe they decided to just be "good friends"? I don't worry about either one's safety, but I am starting to think nothing is going to happen. If I switch boys would that be a bad thing? Should I let them have more time? I've never had a pair who seemed indifferent to each other...Thanks for your help. ;)

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