bubble nest question


Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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I know that often, when Sori goes up for air, he leaves a few bubbles behind, and they sort of connect the dots and gather on the sides -- you know, a couple bubbles deep. I know that's not a bubble nest.

Soooo, how can you tell the difference between a bunch of 'em in the same place, and a n actual bubble nest? I assume it's "lift", as in, it's got height?

I came home for a brief lunch, and I checked on Sori, and it seems like he's actually built himself one. Smallish, but it's got some lift to it on the sides, maybe about an inch and a half across.

I guess he likes his hospital tank. Or maybe he likes his Indian Almond Leaf (it took since the 18th of last month to arrive, amazing, eh?), which he's been basking in for the last three days.

That stuff works fast. Oo; I can almost watch his tail heal up, I swear. I'm really surprised to see him heal up so fast. I can't tell if it's the Indian Almond Leaf, or the obsessive 3-4 day water changes that are doing it, but in either case, his tail is healing up nicely and he's active now.

I still don't know what sent him into shock, before. But he seems to have recovered exceedingly well.
That nest even has fry in it. Everyone see the little tails? How cute.

Nests are generally when there's not just a few bubbles, but lots of bubbles clustered. Frequently, the male will also hang out near the cluster of bubbles if he's done it deliberately, which makes it a nest. It's actually fairly easy to tell when it's an actual nest, as opposed to a cluster of accidental bubbles, because there will be a few bubbles elsewhere, but a very large cluster in one central location, usually thickest in the center.
Well, golly. I guess that means that Sori's built his first bubble nest.

It definately looks intentional, but it also looks like he forgot to finish "bubbling it in" after a while. A few of them obviously popped while he was making it, and he didn't bother to replace it. It's about 1.5-2" across, and only about 1" out from the side of the bowl. It's got height off the sides, though.

I wonder why he decided to build it? The Indian Almond Leaves? I've been reading up on it, and I hear mixed opinioins about using it all the time. I figure for Sori, I'll do the one week on, rest of the month off thing. But if he's really happy with his water treated like this, I wonder how advantageous it would be to use it all the time, to some degree. Hm.

I probably won't do it. But I'll entertain the notion for a few.

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