Bubble Nest. Help...


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2003
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Posting here cause the girlfriend needs help....................... well her fish any ways...

She aquired a new male betta yesterday and he got a home if his own a 2 gallon tank, well she put a female in beside him a new project of hers!!! Overnight the built a bubble nest and i keeps getting bigger he wount stop building, is thier anything else she need to doo to help them spawn or should we do nothing at all.

This seems to be the best place for betta lovers so looking forward to your help.

rab -_-
I think all should be fine, but she needs to keep a very close eye on them. As soon as they finish spawning, she needs to separate the female from the male or he will kill her (doesn't need her anymore, LOL!). Also, someone will hopefully correct me if I'm wrong, but in bettas, I believe the male takes care of the eggs and babies so make sure he is the one left with the nest.
codpiece said:
She aquired a new male betta yesterday and he got a home if his own a 2 gallon tank, well she put a female in beside him a new project of hers!!!
If there is a divder, it might help speed up the spawning process if it was removed.
How do we know there are eggs in there?

cheers for the speedy reply

Unfortunately, I can't answer that, but you will know the spawning when you see it. The male wraps himself around the female's body and "squeezes" the eggs out of her.
Well one way to know is his attention to her. Once they have successfully done the dirty deed he will want nothing to do with her. If she can not get away he will eventually harass her so much that it will kill her. Also the mating will take a long time. He will get her to drop a few eggs and then run and pick them up in his mouth. Run back up to the nest and spit them in it. He will have to repeat this process for a few hours so you should be able to catch them in the act. :lol: I feel like a dad trying to catch his kids doing something bad.
Thanks gonna keep a close eye on them he does not seem to be violent at the moment!

The betta spawning process is so fascinating to watch. If you watch, you'll see him squeeze the eggs out of her. Then she'll kinda freefall or lay there dazed for a while (she almost looks dead). While she's dazed, he'll retrieve the eggs and bring them to his bubblenest. Then they continue this pattern for quite a while.

When they're done, remove the female pronto, trying not to disturb his bubblenest, which will drop the eggs.

Yes, the male watches the eggs and tends the young. Something very important to remember, though: Do not turn off the light until the fry have hatched and are free-swimming (can swim horizontal as well as vertical). At that point, you can take the male out and start turning off the light at night. The reason for this is that the daddy needs to be able to see the eggs and fry to "rescue" them, and if it's dark, you'll end up with a lot of dead fry or eggs that go bad.

If you keep a magnifying glass handy, you'll be able to see the eggs, and also the newly hatched fry, which are so tiny they're near invisible.

Make sure you give the daddy some special treatment before and afterwards, becasue he may go days during this process without eating or resting.

Hope this helps... I have several bettas, who I adore, but I have never bred them (I just don't have the time to do that). However, my cousin down the road actually does the breeding and stuff, so I get to experience it that way. It's really cool.


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