Fish Addict
Is a bubble counter necessary for a diy C02 system. Is it possible to put the airline tube into the intake of an Aquaclear filter or am I just confused?
Can an airstone be used?

Thanks for the quick reply. It is a HOB filter but it doesn't really splash much since I keep the water level high. There is some surface movement, but it doesn't seem to be a lot. What does the filter floss do? I do have some floss in the filter with 2 sponge now. I guess I need to minimize the surface movement somehow.
Thanks for the quick reply. It is a HOB filter but it doesn't really splash much since I keep the water level high. There is some surface movement, but it doesn't seem to be a lot. What does the filter floss do? I do have some floss in the filter with 2 sponge now. I guess I need to minimize the surface movement somehow.
i think i know someone with a HOB planted tank i'll pm him and point him to your thread. i dont want to advise on something i have never actually done. could cause you major problems.
hold fire, if he's online he'll reply pretty quick.
Yeah! I have a HOB filter. I wouldn't try inserting the CO2 into it though as Jim said, the splashing return of the water will knock the CO2 out. Put it as far away from your filter as possible. I have mine on the other side of the tank. I also keep my water levels topped up real high so there's less surface agitation. I use a small airstone to dissolve the co2, it makes very small bubbles. 2 x 2l soda bottles in a 55 gallon tank gives me the CO2 I need...
Yeah, like zig said, it gets clogged. I clean it off every so often, rinse it with warm water regularly, blow through it real hard sometimes too. Kinda annoying, but still. I just replaced it actually, after having it for 2 or 3 months. So you do need to buy new ones every so often.
Tips? Umm... if you use 2 bottles use 2 check valves before joining them with a T-junction to keep the pressure in one bottle whilst you change the other.
Change one bottle on sat and one on wed (or something)
don't fill the bottle up too much or you'll get yeast in your tank (this will also contribue to clogging your airstone)
It's ok, I asked just as many, if not more
You'll probably be fine with 1 bottle. Check valves only allow gas to travel one way through them. If you were using two bottles without check valves then when you removed one bottle, the pressure in the other bottle would escape and it would take a while to build up again. With a check valve in place the pressure can't escape from one bottle and out through the 'hole' that you created in the closed system (by removing the bottle) because the check valve wont allow air back through that way. I'd draw a diagram but I can't be bothered
Most people get about 7-10 days worth of CO2 from DIY. I change it every 7 days just to be safe. Easier to remember also. Check your CO2 levels daily, (at the same time every day), once you see it start to drop then you'll know you need to change the mixture. (I personally mix a bottle up the night before to get it going then hook it up the next morning)
Ok, so with one bottle I would have the airline coming from the bottle, then the check valve, then another airline going into the tank?