

Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2013
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Brutus was a Walmart betta rescue. About 4 months ago my roommate and I went to Walmart and they got in a massive display of bettas, they had them all out in the center aisle and had them displayed with all the "betta care" stuff like the tiny death bowls and such. We picked up three betta boys that day, one for me, one for my roommate, and one for her daughter. We have an admitted betta problem but I always feel so bad for them in those tiny little cups they keep them in, it makes me want to rescue them all but I can't.
Anyway, I kept this guy in a small temporary bowl home until I was able to house him in a bigger tank with my other fish. My roommate's son has a 10 gallon tank and all he has in that tank is a pictus. We decided to put my betta rescue in the tank with the pictus. That was a big mistake. The pictus tore off nearly all of the betta's finnage and we had to scoop him out and put him in another temporary home. Well, when my betta girl Moira died we waited a few days after treating the water in my 20 gal tank and then added the betta rescue to my 20 gallon. At this point I still had not named him.
His name didn't come to me until I was watching him swim around the 20 gal with my other tropical fish, and I saw him chasing them. He wasn't nipping at them but he was running them off if they got too close to him. That's when I decided that his name is Brutus and it's stuck ever since. He's not as sweet as my gorgeous golden and white betta Raphael, but he has his own lil personality and I'm rather fond of him.
So here are some before and after shots. He doesn't like the camera at all, and refuses to hold still for a picture, so these photos are terrible but they're all I could get of him.


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He is gorgeous!
Looks so sad with those tiny fins LoL, I'm sure they'll heal up in no time though

Good that you could take him in! 
I'm glad that NZ seems to be nicer to Bettas LoL, I've never seen one in a tiny "Betta Cup". Otherwise I would probably have a house full of Betta tanks LoL.
EDIT - fixing up spelling mistake
Lovely boy!

Shame about his fins, poor chap, but nothing a few water changes won't help :)
They seem to be growing back pretty good. I'd say judging by the color, there's about a half inch now, maybe 3/4 an inch of new growth on his fins. For a while he looked like a fat female. :D His new growth is coming in kind of a reddish black though it's cool.
Looks very much like Shelster's "Vadar" and my old boy "Bob".
Do not worry his fins will grow back with clean water and a good diet.
It is a hard decision re: saving the Bettas in cups and therefore rewarding bad behaviour by the stores vs leaving them to die, or go to homes who do not understand how to look after them.  Such a dilemma, glad we generally do not have to put up with it in the UK.
Hope you have many happy years with your boys.

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