Brutal Sorority


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I took my Platinum Long Tail gal out yesterday. She was bloodied, her fins are chomped, she has repeated bite marks. She's a quite gentle lady. I have homed her in a split 10 usg with a Lavendar/Rose Nosed Marble VT. She seems well if a little restless. I have a pair of peppers that I will put with her when I am sure the one just successfully treated, Rocky Balboa, is cleared for community life. I put some Mela/Pimafix in. I forgot to reduce it, but I also forgot to take the carbon out. They both seem fine.

I see now that my Metallic DT/HM/Butterfly female, Delilah--who is a chuncky lass--has increasing fin nips and perhaps a bite. She is very fond of hanging near Sampson's tank which could cause some conflict.

I believe it is the Gold CT sisters who are the bullies, expecially one. Should I continue to thin the population of the Alpha Betta Sorority by taking out the hurt gals or attempt to find the culpret and get her out?

With all the moving and activity, I don't have as much time to sit and watch the gals. :X
You'd be best off finding the culprit and removing them. :X Little devils!! I know one of my girls, a green/purple fancy hm was nipped recently but that was the angel who mistook her for a bit of plant. :rolleyes: Am hoping to move the angel out this weekend since he's getting a little big to be with them.
Hope those that have been hurt recover ok.
Thanks, Miss Dib Dabs, I agree. Finding the Bully seems to be the most logicle long term solution. I'm also considering two sororities: one for the better tempered ladies and one for the more agressive kung foo gals.


I am sitting thinking about chatting on the forum on Thanksgiving! :/ hahaha
I am sitting thinking about chatting on the forum on Thanksgiving!
Meh, notice many are here with you! :p
I don't have any family left in Texas, aside from the in laws and I'll see them soon enough this afternoon. Turkey's in the oven, fish are stuffed with bloodworms and all is right with the world.... aside from your mean girl tank :p And the fact that Brooke's box of smaragdina didn't show up yesterday and shes out of town until Sunday. Ok, I take back the all is right comment.
This is a calm fish day, actually. Not much but some must do water changes and feeding. All the sickies are on the mend. I had an invatation to a friend's church and mom's for the day, but lolled around and would rather move at my own pace and get some personal stuff done and watch my fishy friends.

Having new smargadinas to rehome or in-laws for dinner? Hmm?

I would be concerned I would get confused and rehome the company and sit the new wilds down to turkey!

:hyper: :lol:
:lol: Ahhh don't do that Sue. :lol:
We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here so it's been another normal day...except I picked up my carhaving had it off the road for two months. First thing I did was go buy loads of live food for the fish. :lol:
I missed my last live food pick up so mine are making do with frozen bloodworms and mysis shrimp. No one is crazy about mysis shrimp so I have to give them a goodly time to clean up.

What would be the Brit equivilant of Thanksgiving? Thanking the mechanics that be that the car is running would work, I suppose. HA!

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