Brush Algae


New Member
Feb 22, 2011
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After setting up my 60L aquarium 6 months ago, I recently discovered some brush algae growing on my cryptocorynes (C.Parva). I am not sure why they have decided to grow, and I do not have any species that have been known to eat brush algae. (I have guppies, zebra danios, neon tetras and a pair of otocinclus).

Any suggestions would be welcome!!
Brush algae is quite common on plant leaves.
I believe it is caused by fluctuating co2 but maybe someone who's a bit more technical would be able to clarify the cause.
I run a low tech set up and dont inject co2 I just use ferts.
I often get it on my plants so started dosing with seachem flourish and it disappeared over a few weeks.
The flourish kills it off, either dose the tank or spot dose the algae using a syringe.
Brush algae is quite common on plant leaves.
I believe it is caused by fluctuating co2 but maybe someone who's a bit more technical would be able to clarify the cause.
I run a low tech set up and dont inject co2 I just use ferts.
I often get it on my plants so started dosing with seachem flourish and it disappeared over a few weeks.
The flourish kills it off, either dose the tank or spot dose the algae using a syringe.
Thank you very much Alison!!! I will go out and buy some flourish.

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