Bruddy Idiots......


Sep 18, 2011
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Ok back to ask yet more?????????????????????'s

I like the idea of having some cory's in with the fancies, i have since noted they are partial to plant life etc to hide in should they choose and to route around in as well as the sand. Also they really need to be in groups of 6-10.

Thing is the goldies will eat greenery happily, i can't get a dependable answer (hence odd title) to what the goldfish won't eat and the cory's would be happy in. Just waffly indirect answers. I want the focus of the tank to be the fish not the scenery.

I'm still planning at the moment so have a clear slate apart from the fancies. Are there any smaller coldwater fish that might add a bit of zip into the tank. Bubbles and Frazier (the kids idea) may grow to any size as i'm not 100% sure of their history and the corys will go to around 4-6in as i understand it (pepperd).

The tank is to be a 60*15*15

Thanks for your time.
whooooooah, trops and goldies DO NOT MIX!

Ok confused now, in my other thread Weather loaches or Pepperd corydoras were suggested as tank mates for the fancies, i thought they were ok in cooler water and are sociable fish.

:-( :-( :-(
generally trpos and goldies dont mix, there are a few exceptions like mollies and guppies but on the whole
Weather loaches are coolwater fish, which is why they'd be great.

Corys are slightly more complicated because most are tropical, but some can live in cooler tropical waters, so it depends on the species. By the way, it is best if you treat 6 as an absolute minimum for schooling species, and 10-15+ as better.

White Cloud Mountain minnows and zebra danios also do well in the 16-18 C region that I would normally expect for goldfish, but they are basically goldfish food and would outcompete the goldfish for food. So for that area of the tank, it is probably best if you stick to more fancy goldfish, which would also help if you turned out to have a male and a female, as males become aggressive when they feel like spawning.

whooooooah, trops and goldies DO NOT MIX!
Fancy goldfish are "coolwater", they don't even do well in coldwater :)

Edit: Corydoras paleatus (peppered Corys) come from waters as cool as 15 C, so they would be fine with fancy goldfish, which are usually kept in temperatures starting from 15 C.

p.s. it is great that you have a big tank for them!
the weather loaches i believe would be ok, and I do know that some cory like cooler water......but really don't know if the peppered species are ok in 'cold' water.

Have you tried asking this question directly in the Corydora sub-forum?

Generally speaking not many people try to mix goldfish of any kind with tropical or sub-tropical. I believe there are exceptions but they are rare.

Do some more digging and always look to get a second or third confirmation on any info you receive....just to be sure.
Ah pants, the only thing i'm certain of is, is that nothing is certain.

I like the catfish too......They look amazing in the water....

Weather loaches are coolwater fish, which is why they'd be great.

Corys are slightly more complicated because most are tropical, but some can live in cooler tropical waters, so it depends on the species. By the way, it is best if you treat 6 as an absolute minimum for schooling species, and 10-15+ as better.

So, what temperature is the tank at? What pH/water hardness?

whooooooah, trops and goldies DO NOT MIX!
Fancy goldfish are "coolwater", they don't even do well in coldwater :)

So i'd be better heating the tank? Oh my head hurts.......
So i'd be better heating the tank? Oh my head hurts.......

don't freat, it's all part of the fun when choosing the right fish. At least you are bothering to do your research first, rather than just throw anything in the tank.

The fancies should be fine in an unheated tank - KK is referring to 'cold' as what you'd expect in a pond (shout if that's not what you think, KK!)as long as your house is heated in the winter and doesn't drop to very cold temps. In which case the weather loaches will also be fine.

Again, think a bit more work is needed on the corys though - not a clue myself I'm afraid.
Cold is below 15 C for me, cool is 15-20 C, tropical is 20+ C. So, cold water would freeze over with water turning to ice in winter.

If you want to keep peppered Corys, I recommend that you get a couple of heaters which have a 15 C setting (most start at 18 C) as a minimum and leave them on that. The only time I expect the heaters to come on is if you have gas heating and it breaks in the middle of winter.
Ok the water is clearing a little here, so it IS possible to mix them provided i can get the temp and the species right.

So i'm going to be looking at 'coolwater' running from 15-20deg, so throw that back at the OP would there be some greenery that might bridge the gap between the two.

I'm thinking, most likely wrong going at my present rate :X that sand over pebbles might be a nice base for the tank with some areas more sand some more pebbled with the pebbles braking through the sand rather than on top and the greenery to one side masking the associated pump gubbins.
Anubias will be your saviour for greenery ;) I will post a link to an awesome goldfish + planted tank tomorrow (although it's too small :( )

Gravel and sand will separate over time unless you keep mixing.. but you can try gravel one end, sand the other.
A couple of points;

Do be aware that weather loach grow quite big (my friend has some that are very nearly a foot long) and are sociable, so you'd want at least three and preferably five or six.

Sand over gravel or pebbles doesn't work; the sand falls through the gaps and ends up all on the bottom, but you can easily have sand and some pebbely areas; I do in my tanks and it looks more natural than plain sand IMO.

Another good plant is Java fern; apparently it tastes bitter and most fish won't eat it.
Here you go:

Yes, weather loaches will reach 1 ft with good care and I also recommend that you keep at least 6 if you go for them.

Java moss is another horrible tasting one, but I have found that fish will shred the fern and moss just for the fun of it. Giant Vallis may also work: currently, it is the longest surviving plant in my Malawi set-up, after Anubias, of course.
This is all really usefull stuff, i'm still in the doghouse at the mo cos the tank was dearer than wifey thought it would be as i went a bit higher with thicker glass, oops

So the fishies will get 60*18*15 LHW all 10mm insead, can't see them complaining :hey: Around 250l/55gal (uk) :good:

Going to take around 3 weeks so i have plenty time to continue my schooling.

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