Bruce Willis Died


Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
St Albans, UK
my fishie bruce willis that is. he'd been sick for sometime.

rip little guy, you were my first ever fishy and i put you through crap on my super-steep fishie learning curve. thank you for the fishy addiction and i hope you like it in that big lake in the sky.



thanks guys.
i'd only had him 8 months.
the last pic there was taken the day i got him.
sorry :fish: he looked a lot like my old one.
Havent got a clue how long I have had him...thinks he is my oldest..but with vtails it is hard to tell one from the other. Mine has been very quiet lately and is near the top of his tank now..moved him to smaller bowl...going to pinch a floating plant out of another bowl so he can rest on it...he isnt stressed just very sleepy.
I remember when you 1st posted about Bruce being ill when I had just joined. It's so sad to lose a buddy you love. Sometimes I feel like my little pets spirits are still with me and I hope you come to feel that way too. He sure was a good boy and sorry for your loss.
???? why do the little fishes not have a long life span???? IT'S SO UNKIND Long live the Bettas :shout: :wub: :rip: Bruce you were a beauty :good:

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