Browning Leaves On Java Fern


Fish Fanatic
Jan 17, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
Hello Plant Aficionados,

My problem is browning of the leaves on my java fern (narrow leaved variety). They start off fine, nice and healthy looking then they develope brown splotches which eventually consume the entire leaf. This looks to some extent like a natural life cycle whereby the leaves eventually die. However more than half the plant looks like this and the leaves aren't really dying. They stay in the brown splotchy state, some do turn yellow and die but only a few. I have tried supplementing potassium with no reduction in browning. The other plants show no spotting or yellowing.

The tank is 18 gallon, DIY CO2 with 30watts of lighting. I have fertilized with root tabs and seachem flourish-comprehensive. As mentioned above, I have also attempted potassium supplementation with seachem flourish potassium according to bottle directions.The plants are microsorum pteropus "narrow", vesicularia dubyana, bacopa carolinia, valisneria sp. , Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae, and lilaeopsis sp..

Any ideas??
I bought a large clump of Java Fern and was told at the time that the browning will occur when it's trying to root, in this case to a piece of driftwood. The clump i have seems to be doing the same and i've got tons of new shoots coming off it.
New shoots may also be a sign that its not getting enough nutrients, and is sending out lots of plantlets. I've often been advised to prune off leaves with new shoots so it doen't divert all its energy into making them.

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